Apple Slices Help Keep Brown Sugar
Skimming Device Found on Local ATM
Is That Gravel In Your Tires or…?
I Feel Like I Should Write Something
“Neurotic Canines” or “How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Whine and/or Bite”
Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again


Osophy on Entertainment of Self and Others
Theater Owner Arrested 3rd Time On Internet Luring Charges – Denver News Story – KMGH Denver
Just Checking In
PowerPC Sacrifices: No Netflix for My Mac
Scaredy Dog
Fighting Flies with Windex
Like a Freeze-Frame Mirror
Osophy on Shorties, Scrappiness of
Mood Piece or You Know Who You Are
Osophy on Goodness, Veracity of
Osophy on Paths, Heartfelt
I Wish
Idiomatic Expoundsion/Expoundation: Reflections on A Tale of Two Turmoils
Today’s Exciting Collision Avoidance Lesson: Pay Attention!
(Almost) Ten Percent Down, No (re)Payments... Ever!
Charlie Brown Has Left the Building
Because Harry Said So: Proximity Theory
Tinker, Tenor, Fixer, Spy
“You’re a Good Man, Sally Brown” or “A Public Apology”
I HATE PC tech contract work
What I Did Today
The Incompetence Never Ends
Hermes Returns
Eternal Optimism of the Auspicious Mind
It Keeps Gettin’ Better…
Bitter Osophy of the Moment
The Muppets are Back…
Examining Vanity Plates
On the currency of music and wishful thinking
Dictionary.com/Word of the Day Archive/laconic
Reunions, Sonatas, and Jobs, oh my!
Osophy on Data Mining
Osophy on Party Systems, Minimum Required Number of
Thoughts on Theater
Who Actually Reads This?
Another CL Ad
Quote from tonight’s Lost
Amusing cross-lingualism
Patience is a Virtue
It’s May. And it’s snowing.
A Plea for Requital, Happiness, and Universal Balance in a Single Life
Iraq Coalition Casualties
A Tough Day
Osophy on Mindsets, Relativity of
Sam Adams’ Kids Night
Stupid Sappy Love Songs
An Open (and Shut?) Letter
in absentia, continuamus sine
The Ides of February
Words to Act By
A.G. Bear
Renewable Resources
Sad and Lonely Today, and An Invocation
Rescue of the Day
Osophy of the Day (or Night?)
On the Inflexibility of Social Networking Sites in Defining Relationship Status
There is no green dot.
People, people, people
Chew on this


I Love Andrew
cogito ergo sum or sum ergo cogito?
XTi First Photos
The Introvert’s Lament
Osophy on Beauty, Fleetingness of
Just Glad to Help
Another Mental Floss Favorite
Video Blog #2
Craigslist Ad: Product Placement
Job Description Translations
IM cool
Video Blog #1
Review, Feelings, Mixed
Gmail follow-up
Gmail sucks and blows
Record Bathtub Earth Alphabet Foot Woman
Gangs vs God
Corduroy Pillows – They’re Making Headlines