Osophy on Loss

Sometimes it’s possible to make no mistakes and still lose.

If Only I Could Slap Desert VW Upside the Head…

…I’d seriously consider doing it. It will be two weeks tonight that my car was dropped off at their service center. They still do not have an injection pump for my car. I was told last week that they would have it by last Friday (a week after the first estimate). It was not there. Then I was told today. It was not there. Then I was told tomorrow. You can guess what they’ll say tomorrow. Plus it’ll be at least another day until they get it in my car, assuming they even know how to do that.

MySpace/Friendster Bulletin Time

Here’s a fun personals ad that I thought up. I posted it as a bulletin on MySpace and Friendster so my friends can get a kick out of it. :) Who knows, maybe they’ll pass it along to their cute actor friends (who get the joke). At the very least I would hope it demonstrates my creativity and sense of humor. NOW CASTING: g/f role for new reality OPEN CASTING CALL for a new reality, “My Girlfriend” Producer/director now holding ongoing open auditions for the following role: MY GIRLFRIEND (F): Mid to late-20’s, cute, “girlfriend type.

Alone Again In My Heart

I am alone again in my heart. I refer you to a previous entry I made in my blog, of an old poem I once wrote.

I won’t go into the details of what prompted me to post this blog entry. It’s private. I suppose the purpose of this entry is to proclaim my sorrow to the universe in an attempt to get it to pity me and throw me a proverbial bone.

Some Word of Mouth Marketing: Biting Back at Poor Customer Service

Some word of mouth marketing itself led me to the book Word of Mouth Marketing by Andy Sernovitz. So far I’m enjoying it and learning from it. And here’s some unsolicited marketing from myself to you. (Warning: it’s not all that positive. But it’s free and honest.) 1. Sahara VW Customer Satisfaction Review: POOR My car broke down in Vegas last week. Actually, I was past Vegas but Sahara VW in Vegas was the closest dealership. It turns out I needed a new fuel injection pump. This was last Monday that my car broke down.

Strange Metathoughts

I have the strangest thoughts when I’m drifting in and out of consciousness. Here are a few of the things I’ve written down recently:

  • dogs vs. doors

  • “Your beauty paralyzes me.”

  • BareBones Airlines: “Where service is our number two priority.” (The first is saving money, of course.)

Over Snowed Under

This is the fifth weekend in a row it’s snowed in Denver. I’m tired of snow. I want it to go away. I want to be able to wash my car, which once was silver. It is now dirt colored. I want to be able to walk from point A to point B without needing ice cleats. I don’t want to shovel again.