Benedict has good taste in cars

The Pope’s previous car, a 1999 VW Golf, is being auctioned off on eBay for charity. Here’s the link. I’m not Catholic but I can agree with them on one thing: VW Golfs. 🙂 What a promotion for VW.

Tomfoolery Report 4/8/07

We had over 50 folks in the audience and it felt like a mostly full house. They were a good crowd but a little more reserved. I’m pretty sure we got all of our lines right. I was a little hungry going into the show. Nick felt ill during intermission, probably the result of a low blood sugar situation, and he rested and drank a Coke and got through Act II. I noticed that both 10A and 10B were patched at the same time during intermission again, I don’t know why.

Tomfoolery Report 4/7/07

Our second Saturday went well. Full house. Nick randomly spaced on the first words to the last verse of “College Days,” and didn’t do the repatch in Act II for the end of “Œdipus Rex,” consequently Deb’s solo spot was instead leaves. Tonight’s crowd, unlike last night, got more warmed up as the evening progressed and were very much into it by the time “Dope Peddler” rolled around. We took our first second bow tonight to a standing ovation. The light cues for “Hunting Song” were way early tonight and we’ll practice them tomorrow before the house opens.

Tomfoolery Report 4/6/07

Full house for our 2nd Friday night. They were a good crowd to start but they eventually cooled off by the end of Act II. Nobody went up on any lines or lyrics. A classmate of Tom Lehrer’s from Harvard was in the audience tonight. Nick’s mother and brother also showed up. Pat said there was a strange light that came on tonight DSR when it was supposed to be only on the piano CSL for “Dope Peddler.” Also the light cues during “Hunting Song” were early again tonight.

Tomfoolery Report 4/5/07

Thursday night was a good crowd. It was almost a full house, perhaps 10 short of capacity. The show was very good and we didn’t miss any words or lines as best I can recall. The crowd was very good and they kept clapping for a while—we could have done a second bow but were not prepared for that. Tomorrow night we’ll be ready in case the applause continues. Lights and tech were good.

Week 2 of Tomfoolery Begins

Report from Wednesday evening. Last night went well. There were a coule of flubs by the cast, most notible Deb and Rob couldn’t seem to agree on the words to the first verse of “Pollution.” Deb also entered in a strange place during a vamp in “Irish Ballad,” which had me playing catch-up for a few measures. Also Rob skipped a beat or two in “New Math” but it was nothing major and it only happened once. The cast remarked that “Vatican Rag” went the best ever for them.

Plastic Wrap for Beds

This condo where I’m staying is the only place I’ve ever been that has the mattresses wrapped in plastic. And it’s not the plastic that comes with the mattress but a specially made vinyl cover. It’s uncomfortable, it’s noisy, and the sheets slide off of faster than… well, ducks and water. I know why they’d do it, but why would they do it?

Two Days Off

Yahoo! Two whole days off. That equates to about three full days from now getting back to the theater. What to do, what to do? I could hit the beach, go for a walk, or go out to eat. Or see a movie. Or… well, that’s about it.It’s supposed to storm Mon and Tues! Boo. But it’s nice today. So away I go from my computer. I think we could all use a break from the show. It’s been three weeks since we’ve had more than a day away from the show.