Hello, Cornelius!

Okay, folks. Mark your calendars. No sooner did I close I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change in Evergreen than I’m booked for another show. You can see me starring next in Performance Now’s production of Hello Dolly! at the Lakewood Cultural Center, September 28-October 7.


Osophy on Staleness, Freshness of

Stale blogs are not like bread, which grows mould and crusts over with time, but fine wine, fermenting in the cool cellar of the internet, waiting to be rediscovered by search engines.


What’s it all for? Why are we here? What am I doing here? What’s it all about, Alfie? We get up in the morning, have breakfast, go to work, work, come home from work, blah, blah, blah. What do we hope to accomplish? What do we accomplish? We download software updates, type on our computers, drive our cars, watch our movies, what’s the point? Excuse me if I sound like a Nihilist today. I guess that’s what Monday mornings will do to people. The first utterance from my mouth today was a curse at my alarm clock.

Tomfoolery Report 4/15/07

Final report: good crowd, full house. Deb skipped an entire verse of “Irish Ballad,” and Nick was about to sing over someone else, but other than that things went pretty smoothly. Strike was fast and the cast dinner at the Crazy Crab was very tasty—hats off to SCRC and The Haskells. It was good to see the family this weekend, but I’m looking forward to getting home (and seeing more family on the way).

Tomfoolery Report 4/14/07

Two shows: the matinee was mostly full and the evening show was sold out. I’d say the afternoon crowd was more raucous but both were good audiences. There was a hot repatch during the first show where the nuke lights came on early for a short while just as I was introducing a number in Act II. In the evening show Deb made a verse of “Irish Ballad” just one lyric repeated over and over again: “She cut her baby brother in two, (rickety-tickety-tin), she cut her baby brother in two, she cut her baby brother in two, and served him up as an Irish stew, and invited the neighbors in.