Preponderance of Pondering

We all make our own realities. What we perceive is real to us. And we believe what we perceive. So how can we find the truth if our senses are so subjective? Does that mean there is no truth? Or does that mean that we should live in a constant state of disbelief? Hope is a powerful thing and wishes can transform reality, but it is not enough to merely want a thing and thus it is willed into existence. Perhaps our creative energies should be directed towards building a better future rather than fulfilling our own fantasies.

I Could Have Died Yesterday

Well, technically, I could die any day. But those of you who know me know that I am not prone to hyperbole. When I went downstairs in the morning after my mom had left, I smelled something burning or something that had burned. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but I just figured that she had burned some toast. It was not until later in the day that I found what had caused the smell: there was a burn mark across the wood trim next to the kitchen window.

Philler for the Philophile

Wouldn’t it be phunny iph all words that had an “f” sound actually were spelled “ph?” Some pholks would say that was phantastic. Being a Phil myselph I would have a terriphic time making phun of pholks who used the letter “f.” Aphter a phine amount oph time this pharcical phanciness would become phamiliar to everyone and once used enouph by everyone, the unusual spellings would be “fish” and “freak.” Then things like pharts and phlatulance wouldn’t be so ophensive phor some phancy phellows who are phinely rephined. This blog entry is just a philler phor to take up extra space.

Goodbye, Dolly!

Mr. Vandergelder marries Dolly. Cornelius, Irene, Barnaby, Minnie, Ambrose, and Ermengarde all live happliy ever after, and there’s a big curtain call. Hello, Dolly! closed last night to a full house.

For those of you who missed the show, well, I’m sorry you missed it.

Catch me next time in … ?