Record Bathtub Earth Alphabet Foot Woman
I got a spam with this in the subject line: Record Bathtub Earth Alphabet Foot Woman. I just thought it was funny.
If enough spammers send enough spam with enough ramdomly-generated subject lines, isn’t it only a matter of time until they come up with something funny, clever, or profound?
Gangs vs God
Organized religions and gangs: are the two that different? At their core how are religion and gangs similar and how do they differ? I would propose that the two are more alike than not.
Corduroy Pillows – They’re Making Headlines
The other day when I saw the headline “Students counseled after death” on the Denver Post website, I thought of Jay’s headlines and a lost list I last saw in an email a while ago. I don’t know if these links contain all of them, but they sure are funny. (dead link, removed)
Nyms: Homo, Hetero, and otherwise
I Am Not A Pig
Thanksgiving Limerick
If the chef burns her turkey, I’ve heard
That the diners should not say a word.
Yet if fam’ly complains
‘Bout the smoking remains,
She should certainly give them the bird!
Colorado POD Exercise
This is what I did yesterday morning: