Record Bathtub Earth Alphabet Foot Woman

I got a spam with this in the subject line: Record Bathtub Earth Alphabet Foot Woman. I just thought it was funny.

If enough spammers send enough spam with enough ramdomly-generated subject lines, isn’t it only a matter of time until they come up with something funny, clever, or profound?

Gangs vs God

Organized religions and gangs: are the two that different? At their core how are religion and gangs similar and how do they differ? I would propose that the two are more alike than not.

Nyms: Homo, Hetero, and otherwise

What would the English language be without homonyms or heteronyms? A lot simpler, that’s for sure. English is a difficult language to master. I’ve been speaking it for 27 years now and I still don’t have it down perfectly. Fortunately there are many people who speak my language who insist on changing it, or at the very least, abusing it out of shape. Let me demonstrate with an improper sentence of homonyms: words that have the same pronunciation but different meanings and spellings. Eye road two the store awn my hoarse and bought sum food, witch aye eight later that knight.

I Am Not A Pig

I’m all for condom use. Let me say that up front. But have you seen this Trojan “evolve” TV ad with the pigs? Yes it’s clever, but something about it doesn’t sit well with me. Every time I see it I just get irked. Perhaps it’s the message that all men are portrayed as pigs. Only after a pig purchases a Trojan condom does he turn into a man, suddenly becoming attractive to the woman at the bar. Plus obviously none of the women are interested in these pigs in the first place, so what should be the impetus for one of them to even buy a condom?

Thanksgiving Limerick

If the chef burns her turkey, I’ve heard
That the diners should not say a word.
Yet if fam’ly complains
‘Bout the smoking remains,
She should certainly give them the bird!

Knowledge vs Power

Many know how to use a computer but few know how to truly utilize a computer.