People, people, people

Skype? No. Gizmo. Open standards. Interoperability. AIM or Yahoo or MSN? None. Jabber. Google Talk. Open standards. Interoperability. Skype only talks to Skype. Gizmo Project talks to itself and Google Talk and everybody else using the same standards. In fact, you can call my home phone with the Gizmo Project without paying a cent! SIP calls. Very cool. Skype can’t do that. AIM/YIM/MSN only talk to themselves. Google Talk talks to itself and any number of thousands of other Jabber IM servers on the planet! I have my own. It works fine.

Chew on this

If tin whistles are made of tin, what do they make fog horns out of?

Would somebody ask Lonnie Donegan?

I Love Andrew

I just got the call five minutes ago: I’m cast as Andrew in the Evergreen Players’ production of I Hate Hamlet. We open the day before the Ides of March. Come see it! It will be a funny show—Sarah Roshan and Bernie Cardell are directing!

cogito ergo sum or sum ergo cogito?

Which one is it? Although the first rendition is the most common I ask you to ponder the latter. Let’s not put Descartes before de horse.

XTi First Photos

I got a Canon Digital Rebel XTi DSLR camera for Christmas. Here are a couple photos, sized down, of course. I don’t feel it’s necessary to post the original 10-megapixel pictures here.

B&W christmas tree

snowman ornament close up

The Introvert’s Lament

Why can’t I be like everyone else? I want to be able to go to noisy, crowded bars and have fun. I want to enjoy… you know… people. Why can’t I be like other people who like to laugh and drink and dance and rock out to very very very loud music?

Why do I have to be the loneliest in a crowd?  ☹️

Osophy on Beauty, Fleetingness of

What an absolutely beautiful day today. I wish I could spend it with my love. Perhaps I am, wherever she is. Oh well, there will be other beautiful days. But not like this one.

There will never be another today.

Just Glad to Help

Right away, I knew it was going to be a difficult drive. People were driving like maniacs. What’s wrong with these people? It’s like Boyle’s Law for automobiles: as density increases, so does pressure. I managed to make it to the shoe store, the bank, and the fuel station without incident. It was after leaving the biodiesel pump when things got interesting. A guy making a right turn after me honked at me for coming to a complete stop before making my right turn. ACTUALLY HONKED AT ME for obeying the traffic laws!