
ticks by


when you’re waiting
for someone
to call you


On the Inflexibility of Social Networking Sites in Defining Relationship Status

I’ve been pondering the inflexibility of online social networking relationship status selections. (Say that three times fast, eh?) What do you put when you don’t really feel “single” and you don’t really feel “in a relationship?” There is no in-between to select. So I must conform to the choices they give me, the only options which may define my status in relationship to another human being and consequently to the rest of the world. So I remain single. No need to ask, no need to clarify. There is my life contained right there on a little web profile page for all the world to see.

There is no green dot.

Check out this cool graphic. Stare at the center. A moving green dot will appear and eventually erase the magenta dots. Funny how the human eye works, isn’t it?

optical illusion

People, people, people

Skype? No. Gizmo. Open standards. Interoperability. AIM or Yahoo or MSN? None. Jabber. Google Talk. Open standards. Interoperability. Skype only talks to Skype. Gizmo Project talks to itself and Google Talk and everybody else using the same standards. In fact, you can call my home phone with the Gizmo Project without paying a cent! SIP calls. Very cool. Skype can’t do that. AIM/YIM/MSN only talk to themselves. Google Talk talks to itself and any number of thousands of other Jabber IM servers on the planet! I have my own. It works fine.

Chew on this

If tin whistles are made of tin, what do they make fog horns out of?

Would somebody ask Lonnie Donegan?

I Love Andrew

I just got the call five minutes ago: I’m cast as Andrew in the Evergreen Players’ production of I Hate Hamlet. We open the day before the Ides of March. Come see it! It will be a funny show—Sarah Roshan and Bernie Cardell are directing!

cogito ergo sum or sum ergo cogito?

Which one is it? Although the first rendition is the most common I ask you to ponder the latter. Let’s not put Descartes before de horse.