Sad and Lonely Today, and An Invocation

I’m starting to wonder if I’ll ever meet the right woman for me. How hard is it to find a beautiful, intelligent, honest, and reliable woman who doesn’t act like a little kid? I’m the male equivalent of all those things, so I expect what I have to offer in return. I haven’t dated much so rejection hurts. Even if I had dated a lot, rejection still hurts. Being alone hurts. There’s this pain, this hole in the middle of my chest. Sometimes I can patch it up with work and distractions, other times I’m so sad that I cry myself to sleep: just out of the pain of always having been alone.

Rescue of the Day

Lakewood Animal Control has it now, but I found a little old black dog walking in circles in the middle of Yale Ave at Eaton Pl. today at 12:30. It couldn’t see or hear but it was well-groomed and clean. It must have been very old. Lakewood Animal Control came by and picked it up. I posted a picture and description on yourhub and craigslist and asked the owners to call Lakewood Animal Control so hopefully the owners will find it. And if the owners don’t claim it, I’m sure somebody will now that it’s all over the internet.


ticks by


when you’re waiting
for someone
to call you


On the Inflexibility of Social Networking Sites in Defining Relationship Status

I’ve been pondering the inflexibility of online social networking relationship status selections. (Say that three times fast, eh?) What do you put when you don’t really feel “single” and you don’t really feel “in a relationship?” There is no in-between to select. So I must conform to the choices they give me, the only options which may define my status in relationship to another human being and consequently to the rest of the world. So I remain single. No need to ask, no need to clarify. There is my life contained right there on a little web profile page for all the world to see.

There is no green dot.

Check out this cool graphic. Stare at the center. A moving green dot will appear and eventually erase the magenta dots. Funny how the human eye works, isn’t it?

optical illusion