Stupid Sappy Love Songs
Also, remind me to publish a blog ranting about stupid sappy love songs. Been there, done that. No thanks. What got me off on this kick is the Millie auditions and listening to those stupid sappy love songs that all the characters sing. I mean, come on, people! Get a grip! What would popular entertainment be without playing on the adolescent hormonal thing we think is love but is really lust? Oh yeah, that’s right: better.
Call me jaded. That’s only because I’m a romantic. Or at least was. Until I hear all these folks singing about their happy endings.
An Open (and Shut?) Letter
To the crazy lady who thinks she can waltz into and out of my life at her own discretion:
You have to give a little to get a little. I don’t have time to play games. I understand you’re busy, but so am I. We all make time for what is important to us. So I understand where I am with you. Not by your words but by your (in)actions. I hope you can learn this as you grow on your journey.
Best of luck to you. Maybe I’ll be able to help you.
in absentia, continuamus sine
I have not been updating my blog lately because I’ve been busy. It’s a good busy. But it doesn’t leave much time for profound thoughts or whimsical observances. I have to prioritize, you know? Making money, paying taxes, eating, sleeping, memorizing lines. These things all take priority over … this.
That reminds me: I Hate Hamlet is coming up soon. Get yer tickets now! Or later. Just come see the show. It will be fun.
Also, I’m going to be tapping my little heart out in Thoroughly Modern Millie soon thereafter.
The Ides of February
In my quest for the meaning of life…
…I’ve learned valentine’s day isn’t it.
Sorry, reader(s). I’ve been busy.
It’s thundersnowing. Right now. In Lakewood. No, I’m not making this up.
It started with a very light snowfall. Then there was an incredibly bright flash of light that lit up the sky, like someone standing outside my window with a camera flash. Then about 5 seconds later, a huge, KA-BOOOM! It happened a few more times and it’s now more like sleet. But not really. I think the correct precipitation is “snow pellets.” So I guess it should be called thundersnowpelleting instead.
21:36 - Now the Lakewood Police are reporting they can’t get up the hills because it’s “like an ice rink” out there.
Words to Act By
It is not what we say but how we behave that defines us in the eyes of others. At some point talk must become action. When what we say does not reflect what we do, and vice versa, we cannot ever hope to foster the growth of trusting and mature adult relationships.
My word is my bond. I do not break it lightly. In matters of importance I make no promises I intend not to keep. Feeling-sparing fibs may feel better in the moment, but honesty is always best for long-term gain.