Amusing cross-lingualism

I just realized “bullshit” rhymes in Spanish: “caca de vaca”

Sometimes I amuse even myself.

Patience is a Virtue

“Actors have short attention spans.” This was an observation related to me by the son of the producer of my last show. Hello! Over here! Still typing! Good. Now that I still have your attention, may I comment on this observation? No? Hello? Hello?! Please stop playing with your phone. Is the text message that urgent? Oh, it’s from your friend. I see. Go ahead. I’ll wait. … Done? Good. Anyway, continuing on where I left… no, put the remote down. Yes, I realize my TV system is cool. I built it.

It’s May. And it’s snowing.

Speak not of Sultry Spring lest Father Frost return, his icy fingers outstretched, blanketing us once more in his crystalliferous call.

It’s snowing. In Denver. Right now.

A Plea for Requital, Happiness, and Universal Balance in a Single Life

A lot has happened since my last post. Nothing momentous, just the tedium of an everyday life. I’ve been in two shows, I Hate Hamlet and I’m writing this before the second weekend of Thoroughly Modern Millie. But I do not write this blog for a regular update. I’m sad. I’m depressed. I’m angry at the Universe. Or whatever name I choose to call my situational fate. Call it situational depression, if you will. I get down when I think of what I have not. Yes, I try to count my blessings: I have food, shelter, and quite importantly my health.

A Tough Day

I thought that being busier would make me feel less lonely.

It hasn’t.