Angry Old Men
This song came to me today and I had to write it down.
This song came to me today and I had to write it down.
Whatever happened to my friends’ blogs? So many clever, articulate, funny writings no longer being written. Cousins, uncles, old friends, good friends, all silent. Months pass, then years, then eventually decades.
Let me tell a little bit about myself.
This blog is ill-suited to re-sharing other peoples’ content. You know, interesting and/or funny links you encounter throughout the day and would like your friends and family to see, optionally with a comment of your own attached. The thing is, what do you use? Twitter? Facebook? Reddit? Are they on what you’re on?
Well, if you want to consume what I’m sharing, you can now use the RSS reader of your choice (or go straight to the website, or get it delivered to your email). It’s self-hosted and open source, of course:
For those of you who have not yet heeded the instructions from my first post on the subject, here’s a video explanation of how to better adjust your vehicle mirrors.
Say hi to Stan.
After many years of waiting, paitiently calling and messaging Comcast every 6 months, and a many disapppointments, the great Fiber to the Home saga is finally coming to an end.
Traffic circles aren’t that hard, people. 😖