Motorola H390 Bluetooth Headset: No Good

I got a Motorola H390 Bluetooth headset for Christmas. I returned it because when turned on, in my ear, idle, and connected to my phone, it make a very quiet intermittent high-pitched beeping sound. It was annoying in a quiet room. I don’t know if it was only my unit that was defective or the design of the H90 itself, but I give it a 1 out of 5. My advice: if you have good hearing, try it for a while in a quiet environment before you toss the receipt or the packaging.

F the FT

I worked from 10:00 am until 7:00 pm today. I could not have worked more because these were three separate IT/tech incidents. All of them were in remote locations, on-site as it were, and all of them I drove my own personal vehicle to and fro. I worked a total of 4.25 hours, logged 96 miles, and raked in a whopping $106.25 before taxes. Plus my last appointment was supposed to go for two hours and it went for four, causing unneeded stress, complicating my personal life, and causing me to go back on my word, something I do not take lightly nor enjoy by any means.

Spiritual Window Washer

A window washing man washed my car windows outside the theater tonight. I offered him some change but he just said to “pay it forward,” adding later that he was a “spiritual window washer.” Perhaps he also meant karmic window washer? But he probably washes spiritual windows, too.

Computers Suck and Rock. They Suck-Rock.

Computers waste my time. I’m sitting here, incredibly frustrated at the present moment, waiting for some God-knows-how-many gigabytes of files to copy from one hard drive to another. Staring at it doesn’t help. Ignoring it doesn’t help. And this painfully slow and infuriating procedure is keeping me from sleep and keeping me from my love. Every minute I remain awake means one less minute of sleep after a very, very long day. Sure, this is all my fault anyway. I set up the appointment to copy files after a very long day of teaching and rehearsing.