And Again

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the I.T position at [company name obscured].  We received a large number of highly qualified applicants for this opening.  While we were impressed with your qualifications, after careful consideration we have decided to pursue other options for this position at this time.

A First (and a Second)

Two in the same day. That’s a first for me. This one at 7:18 am: Thank you for expressing an interest in the Assoc Engr position. While it is never an easy decision, we have decided to consider other candidates whose qualifications more closely matched the needs of this position. …and this one at 7:26 pm: We want to thank you for your interest in the position of Audio Visual Coordinator 00874 advertised April 5, 2010 through April 16, 2010 11:59 PM. Unfortunately, you have not been chosen to advance to the next step in the selection process and at this time will not be under further consideration for this position.

:( Again

Hi, Phil. We gave it a long look but in the end we decided to hire someone else instead.  Thank you for your time and good luck in your search.

It’s Snowing

It’s snowing today. Right now. As I write this. Wednesday afternoon, May 12, 2010.


Sometime early Saturday morning my 5-year-old Power Mac died. I knew because of some email logs my other computer sent me about not being able to access the down computer. I got to the computer around mid-day and tried to restart it. No joy. I could hear the UPS upstairs screaming in pain when I tried that. So I moved the power plug to another outlet, mistakenly thinking that it was the UPS’s problem. Then I tried again. These things happened simultaneously: there was a loud “pop,” the lights flickered/dimmed, and there may have been a spark from the Power Mac.

A Feel-Good Moment

Today after class one of my students asked if I was teaching Production III next semester, because “[he’d] take from [me] again in a heartbeat.” Another student in my class, his friend, agreed. Don’t that just make ya feel good? Thanks, guys. :) That kinda balances out the statement from earlier this semester by a student in my other class that mine was “the worst production class [he’d] ever taken.” This statement was also said to me in front of at least one other student in the same class, yet somehow didn’t have the same heartwarming effect.