An Adrenaline Moment

Driving home just now on Sheridan a guy in a pickup thought it would be a good idea to turn left directly in front of me. I hit the brakes (and the horn) hard and we stopped less than 10 feet from each other. He stopped his turn before entering my lane and while I was stopped proceeded to back up into the turn lane and continue on his way. What a moron (I have more choice words for him but shall refrain). This was on SB Sheridan just N of Sloan’s Lake.

Winter Burrito

Both K and I thought P said “Winter Burrito” when actually she said “Went to [a] burrito…” It’s her dialect that confused us both simultaneously from across the room.

And I thought it was a new food to go along with summer sausage and spring rolls.

Table Art

From the Interstate Kitchen & Bar last night. I drew the Purple People Eater and Jack-o’-lantern, K drew the bird.

flying purple people eater

Haloween pumpkin


I’m Movin On’ …Over

You may have noticed some changes in my blog. I’m moving to new blogging software. The software I’ve been using for years has decided they will no longer offer a free version. It’s going to take a while to get my old content moved over, uploaded, and formatted correctly. New content will be automatically good. 🙂

Another One Bites The Dust

So the job position that Cricket posted and for which three staffing firms wanted to submit me was filled by an internal candidate. Grrr. Damnit! If you’re going to do that, why even post the blasted job in the first place?!

Igpay Artay

K drew this on paper, I just traced it in Illustrator.


A Rhyme in Any Other Language

English: “I’m well. How are you?” “Well as well.”
Español: “Estoy bien. ¿Como estás?” “Bien también.”