Job Search Statistics, 2010-07-28
Jobs applied to: 6
In-process communications: 2
Rejections: 1
Emails: 11
Calls: 1
Statistics are for today only.
Jobs applied to: 6
In-process communications: 2
Rejections: 1
Emails: 11
Calls: 1
Statistics are for today only.
The cheaper alternative to a robotic lawn mower: Lazy Lawn Mowing – Smiths R Us.
This is a pretty cool idea.
Filling Mac Address Book Pictures with Gravatars – Smiths R Us.
Hmm. Let me think about this for a minute. $32780 for a fully electric vehicle (Nissan LEAF) with minimal maintenance or I could spend $8220 more for a vehicle that still uses gasoline (premium, nonetheless) and has 2/5 the pure-electric range. Sorry, Chevy. I think you missed the boat again.
If I want a long-range petroleum-powered car, I’ll drive my Golf. If I want to stay in town, I’ll go with a pure EV. Simple. Get off the petro!
It’s Captain Furillo from Hill Street Blues! Hooray!
Tonight my mom and I watched Food, Inc. It was informative and scary. I recommend everyone watch this film. Correction: everyone who cares about what he/she eats. Some people may not.
Food Law Prof Blog: “Veggie Libel” laws.
We have received your resume for the [redacted] position. Thank you for your interest in this opportunity. Your background looks really good however we’ve decided to move forward with a candidate whose skills more closely align with what we are looking for at this time. We will definitely keep your resume on file and will consider you for future opportunities.