Montreal Improv Festival

Wilder & Wilder played at the Montreal Improv Festival this year. Steve brought me along as the accompanist. We left Denver on Thursday at 4pm and arrived in Motreal at 2am via Detroit (30 minute connection - literally ran across the airport), Burlington, and a rental car. Coming back we left at 3am and arrived in Denver around 12:30.

On Bleakness, A Favorite Quote

This is from Star Trek: The Next Generation, “The Best of Both Worlds, Part II.” The crew is preparing for what they believe to be a hopeless battle. They have just lost their captain and while they like and trust their new captain (formerly 1st Officer Will Riker), they don’t believe there’s anything they can do to save themselves. Whoopi Goldberg plays Guinan, a wise bartender whose face belies her hundreds of years. She speaks to Riker in the captain’s ready room. When a man is convinced he’s going to die tomorrow, he’ll probably find a way to make it happen.


binubak’ is what I accidentally typed when trying to type nominal . I like it; it could be an ancient Polynesian mode of transportation, or perhaps an exotic drink. For now I think binubak will be my word to describe interesting typos that don’t look anything like the intended word.

Week 5, 10-Minute Brain Rest Necessary

I just came from a 1-hour and 20-minute meeting about unresolved RST UE test cases. The level of geekiness would blow your mind. It was like speaking in another language. And it’s only my 5th week.

I just thought I’d share that. I need to reset and rest my brain for a few minutes before continuing testing.

Another Litterbug

The female driver of this gold Honda Odyssey threw out a lit cigarette on EB 88th Ave just past Harlan St on 9/16/2010 at approximately 1735.

vehicles on road

Man holed up with kids ends Jeffco standoff - The Denver Post

I post this not because it’s interesting news, but because of the awful, awful writing in the article. I have excerpted the worst of the article in case you don’t want to read the whole thing:

DeHerrera’s wife — who told investigators she had been sexually assaulted by DeHerrera — fled the home when Edgewater police arrived with two of the children, ages 10 and five months.

via Man holed up with kids ends Jeffco standoff - The Denver Post.