Matthew Boulton and James Watt new faces of £50 note - Telegraph
My ancestor will be on the new £50 note! How cool is that?!
Matthew Boulton and James Watt new faces of £50 note - Telegraph.
My ancestor will be on the new £50 note! How cool is that?!
Matthew Boulton and James Watt new faces of £50 note - Telegraph.
binubak’ is what I accidentally typed when trying to type nominal . I like it; it could be an ancient Polynesian mode of transportation, or perhaps an exotic drink. For now I think binubak will be my word to describe interesting typos that don’t look anything like the intended word.
I just came from a 1-hour and 20-minute meeting about unresolved RST UE test cases. The level of geekiness would blow your mind. It was like speaking in another language. And it’s only my 5th week.
I just thought I’d share that. I need to reset and rest my brain for a few minutes before continuing testing.
The female driver of this gold Honda Odyssey threw out a lit cigarette on EB 88th Ave just past Harlan St on 9/16/2010 at approximately 1735.
I post this not because it’s interesting news, but because of the awful, awful writing in the article. I have excerpted the worst of the article in case you don’t want to read the whole thing:
DeHerrera’s wife — who told investigators she had been sexually assaulted by DeHerrera — fled the home when Edgewater police arrived with two of the children, ages 10 and five months.
via Man holed up with kids ends Jeffco standoff - The Denver Post.
A couple strange finds by my friend Randy. Poor, poor Don.
mental_floss Blog » Weird Websites of the Week: Sad Don Drapers Love to Party.