The Rainy Day

It really sucks when you have nobody call you all day to check up on you or to ask how your day went. It really sucks when you have no one to call and talk to when your day is done, nobody to be accountable to, no one to listen to. Today was a long day. After I drove through the rain to get to work this morning, listening to Billy Joel’s Innocent Man, and watching a fantastic double rainbow appear and vanish, I remembered a poem I learned from my youth:

Without Title

I did not choose to sleep alone

I do not sleep where I call home
In a cold bed

I drift in despair
Blown asunder by cold winds
That foretell a long dark winter

The weight of my tears cannot move the keys enough
To relate this permeating sadness

Things I Miss Right Now

  • spending time with K

  • sleep

  • food

  • a sense of normalcy

  • having a regular schedule

  • being able to see K at all

  • having down time

  • having time to myself

  • having extra time

  • not being busy all the time

  • time


K took this photo in a small town in Minnesota. Her corresponding comment was “Duh.” I agree.

police car with custom tag “POLICE”

Montreal Improv Festival

Wilder & Wilder played at the Montreal Improv Festival this year. Steve brought me along as the accompanist. We left Denver on Thursday at 4pm and arrived in Motreal at 2am via Detroit (30 minute connection - literally ran across the airport), Burlington, and a rental car. Coming back we left at 3am and arrived in Denver around 12:30.

On Bleakness, A Favorite Quote

This is from Star Trek: The Next Generation, “The Best of Both Worlds, Part II.” The crew is preparing for what they believe to be a hopeless battle. They have just lost their captain and while they like and trust their new captain (formerly 1st Officer Will Riker), they don’t believe there’s anything they can do to save themselves. Whoopi Goldberg plays Guinan, a wise bartender whose face belies her hundreds of years. She speaks to Riker in the captain’s ready room. When a man is convinced he’s going to die tomorrow, he’ll probably find a way to make it happen.