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I’m wondering lately if some of my friends aren’t going through a late-twenties quarterlife crisis. My life has changed dramatically in the months surrounding my 30th birthday. While I feel as though I’ve made it through the worst of it, there are certainly some items from the article that ring true either to me personally or based on observations I’ve made of others:

Je vais attendre pour vous

This morning as I awoke, the song in my head was a haunting and beautiful melody from an operetta film called Les Parapluies de Cherbourg:

Si ça prend une éternité, je vais attendre pour vous
Pour un millier d’étés, je vais attendre pour vous
‘Til vous êtes de retour à côté de moi, jusqu’à ce que je te tiens
Jusqu’à ce que je vous entendre soupirer ici dans mes bras

Alone Again

Alone again I am in my heart. I will miss the warmth of her touch, her smile, her laugh. So many little things that I cannot describe them all in great enough detail here or ever with words. She understood me on a level that few others ever have or ever will. And forever to me will that single capital letter K spell out so much more in my heart that I deign not to use it otherwise. How many tears are enough? How much sorrow is enough? I have no answers.

Day Seven

Today I must journey out, back towards the center of this desolate land. The journey will be perilous but I must do it. Should I survive then surely the results from this brief but dangerous trip will help me to escape this Godforsaken land. Should I not survive then I wish whosoever finds this journal to know that I harbor no resentment nor malice towards who- or whatever caused my arrival in this dark place. But should another soul come across this accounting, then I pity him and wish him better luck than I have had in escaping, for it must mean that he has arrived here as unfortunately as I.

Day Five

There is nothing new to report. The winds may be abating slightly, but there is little by way of metrics or instruments to measure them. The climate may be softening as well, or I may merely be adapting. Time will tell. Occasionally there is a fierce burst of wind that jolts and jostles the crate. Were I not somewhat protected within its confines surely I would be knocked over by these sudden gusts.

Day Four

Little changes in this land. Perhaps I grow accustomed to the cold of this place, but the winds do not seem as biting as they were. The darkness is somehow muted. My eyes still cannot discern anything new yet they have adapted to the dark, as if it were expected for an extended and unnatural length of time. I remain in my makeshift shelter, covered against the cold, huddling for warmth. Occasionally I consume packaged rations and water, just enough to sustain my vital functions.