
Should the blogger keep strict to his text,
With his follower reading what’s next
Unabash-ed does find
Speaking plainly his mind
Does profoundly exclaim “oversexed!”

Math Problem

I’ve been working on a math problem lately. I’ve been trying to figure out how to turn 1/2 into 1 while avoiding any multiplication or addition.

Then this morning it hit me. I need to divide 1/2 by 1/2. It’s not intuitive but it should work… given enough time.


I Am Not...

I am not disposable. I am not an accessory. I cannot be tucked away when I don’t “go” with the outfit du jour. I cannot be stored out of sight when I am not wanted. My purpose is not to make you look good. My purpose is not to make you feel good about yourself. I cannot be walked all over, nor can I be used to walk over others. I cannot get you where you need to go. I am not fashionable, nor do I ever go out of style.