I’m starting a ham radio network and I’m calling it Digital Private Calling Network, or DPCN.
Trunking, private calling, text messaging, centralized codeplug management. Join us!
Mastodon and Keycloak SAML
Osophy on Religiosity, Fearfulness of
You tend to get more fearful of God the closer you get to him.
Model 3 Ham Radio Install
This post details the ham radio installation in my Tesla Model 3.
Happy Birthday to We
I know it’s grammatically incorrect, but it sounds a lot better given the typical singular object pronoun.
Home Automation to the Rescue
Our pet is currently ill, which means she has diarrhea. She went in the basement twice while we were away (thank goodness for unfinished/concrete floors and her instincts), but I didn’t want her to go in the house while we were home and asleep. She’s very quiet and doesn’t wake us up, so what to do?
Net Worthless Websites
If you search for my name, some of those websites that purportedly show a celebrity’s net worth may pop up. Sadly I am neither a celebrity nor worth millions of dollars. Perhaps I had better fill out the part of the questionairre that asks my net worth instead of always selecting “prefer not to answer.” 😐