Two JRB Music Discoveries

I discovered two things about a couple of JRB’s songs today in the car: Enroute to work, I noticed the lyrics “major, minor, or modal” have accompanying and accurate piano chords in I’m In Bizness. This was on my 4th listen to the song. I got the meaning of Over on the way home. This was the 11th time I’d listened to the song. I should note that I was not necessarily focusing on listening to the songs: I just had spontaneous discovery moments. But it does take me a while sometimes.

jasonrobertbrowncom - lyrics - Someone To Fall Back On

I’ll never be
A knight in armor
With a sword in hand,
Or a kamikaze fighter;
Don’t count on me
To storm the barricades
And take a stand,
Or hold my ground;
You’ll never see
Any scars or wounds -
I don’t walk on coals,
I won’t walk on water:
I am no prince,
I am no saint,
I am not anyone’s wildest dream,
But I can stand behind
And be someone to fall back on.

via jasonrobertbrowncom - lyrics - Someone To Fall Back On.

Holiday Start 2010

I’m thankful, too. Some things I was thankful for 365 days ago I no longer have. Some things I wanted 365 days ago I now have. Traditionally we go around and list those items for which we’re thankful, but skipping one that is not on the list this time around only draws attention to it, at least in my mind. It’ll be that way this whole season, unfortunately. So thanks for those things I still have. And thanks for those things that I once had that are now elsewhere. At least I got to experience them for a brief time.

Day 23

I emerge from my shelter to a more illuminated environment. The skies are dark and gray but there must be sunlight illuminating the thick layer of clouds from the other side because my eyes can now see a great distance. The wind has mostly abated and although the cold remains, the temperature is less inhospitable.

Not Fun

Where’s my happiness? When do I get some? Yesterday afternoon I sobbed for 1/2 hour and then cried myself into a nap on the couch. I wanted to sleep longer but I had a show to do. Today I get up before the sun to go to work and when I leave work there is no sunlight left in the sky. I stay indoors for 9 hours, the total amount of daytime there is nowadays. An apt metaphor for my waking hours to be filled with darkness. I just want to sleep through the pain. - weblog - JRB Sings Sondheim

How cool is this? I just had to post this for all my musican/musical theater people. He posted a PDF and recording of his arrangement of “Sunday” for Sondheim’s 80th birthday celebration. I’m at work as I write this so I haven’t listened to it yet, but I will soon. - weblog - archives.

P.S. I think maybe he needs to get his blog to show the title of the post in the title of the webpage, no? (When folks link to it it may help distinguish.)