Ranking Art

The men’s bathroom at my company’s holiday party had this art hanging on the wall. There were at least three others on the wall, all with a similar theme. I can only express my reaction with the following: ?!?!?

dog portrait painted as a human in military uniform

Bad Dog

Don’t let your dog do this:

Possible Investment Opportunity: Me

This morning I’m kicking around an interesting idea in my head. It involves nontraditional financing for a new house and a way to control who gets my hard-earned interest money.


Who or What can be the first word in that acronym. I came home late today after my DAREC meeting and my sister and mom were decorating the tree, as planned, but some guy was hanging out with Rachel, sipping on a beer. J-something. Justin, Jason, Jeremy, maybe? Anyway… WTF?! I’m not better. I’m not even close to better. I’m busier, but all that does is distract myself from the pain and loneliness. It’s less intense but still persistent. And to see Rachel with a guy when she broke up about the same time that I did?