Sunday Morning in Nürnberg

Bottle of booze in a plain brown wrapper: $12.

Catching a nun on coming out of a liquor store on a Sunday morning: Priceless.

nun holding bottle in bag

There are some things that money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s Sound of Music.

No Editor On Duty

Just another reason why our local news websites are not ready for prime time:

Workers Accidentally Cuts Gas Line At Denver Zoo

Let's (not) Make A Deal.

Asset Management Company’s lawyer sent a letter to my lawyer suggesting that I negotiate with them further on price. Read into it what you will, but at this point AMC still hasn’t offered me any better deal than anyone else could get on the house. How about this, Mr. Middleman: you offer me a better deal on the house than anyone else, in light of our situation, and then we’ll talk. Validate my position first and then you’ll find I’m much more agreeable to negotiation. It needn’t be an admission of guilt, just a demonstration of business acumen heretofore lacking.

A Contract Is ... What, Exactly?

There’s no news regarding the house. My lawyer has exchanged a few calls and letters with their lawyer, now that they finally hired one. I still say that we had a contract and they still say that we didn’t have a contract. (Then what the hell was that thing I signed?) We’re now asking for mediation as per the contract before we file suit, but they’re still trying to sell the house… to people other than myself or myself for more than the agreed-upon price. But in other news, my loan was fully approved (at the contracted price), so I could essentially close at any time once they finally uphold their end of the contract.