Hmm. Ben certainly likes the show. I have neither heard nor seen anything of the show, but combining the overtly childish melodies of Avenue Q with the irreverent sensibilities of South Park can certainly make for a hilariously entertaining time.
I worry that in this era of post-postmodernist self-referential musicals, the references to musicals past these shows evoke – nay, rely upon – may be lost on those who are unfamiliar with the historical lexicography and stylistic taxonomy of the genre. Much like a theatergoer who is unfamiliar with The Glass Menagerie and who goes to see the Chris Durang one act “For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls,” I fear that the deeper jokes can be lost on the vox populace and, while entertaining on the surface, these shows may not stand the test of time.
Worst Website Design Nominee
At first glance this website doesn’t look too bad.
A poor design to be sure, but still somewhat readable. However, something didn’t quite seem right so I did a Ctrl + A to select all and this is what it revealed:
Hilarity and shame, shame, shame. I shall say no more.
Osophy on Predominant Precision, Perfection and Profitability of
You know you’re doing something right when, consistently and month-after-month, each one of your bank and credit card statements reconciles… to the cent.
Asterisk + Gafachi + T.38 = Finally Working
Daylight Screwy Time
Just when I thought we were making progress: enough light for the morning commute, then… blammo! Back to darkness again with this ridiculous daylight savings time nonsense. I wish we’d just do away with it forever.
Walking to Work Worth It?
In my house search, I have encountered a condo for sale very close to my work. To illustrate just exactly how close it is to my work, I’m including this image from Google Maps directions:
Close to work
Condo = no yard work
No driving to work
4-minute commute by foot
Walkable to restaurants, groceries
Close to work
Small, only one bedroom
No room to grow
Little room for guests
No garage
Shared walls with neighbors
Monthly condo association fees
Expensive for the size
It sure would be nice not to have to drive to work at all.
Osophy on Credentials, Cost of
Knowledge is free, degrees are expensive.