DPL Knows All
This is rather disturbing. Apparently the Denver Public Library knows my expiration date! I’m going to live to be 112 years old, at which point, I assume, they will revoke my library card.
This is rather disturbing. Apparently the Denver Public Library knows my expiration date! I’m going to live to be 112 years old, at which point, I assume, they will revoke my library card.
Measured bravery is the prime gateway to technical expertise.
I found a blog just now called He Said/She Said Critiques. It’s a blog by two young theater professionals featuring critiques of Denver-area community and professional productions. They also have local theater information and audition notices.
I’ve read a couple of their reviews and I like their format. However I feel the Denver blogosphere needs the voice of a semiprofessional musician. Every time I see a review of a musical the first thing I look for is a critical analysis of the music. Unfortunately to get good at music you have to study it. For a long time. In fact, for your entire life. I’ve been playing piano for 21+ years now and I’m still not half as good as I want to be. I’ve music directed shows around town and I’ve played in pits. So I’d like to post some blogs/reviews here of the aspects of musical productions to which I am uniquely qualified to speak: the music, sound, direction, and performance. I hold an MFA from USC in film production where I specialized in rerecording mixing and production and postproduction sound. I also have a BA from UNC in Musical Theater. So I am uniquely qualified to offer my unique perspective on how I think musicals should be done at this level.
What’s the acronym? SMH? For this one I’ll let you enjoy discovering the numerous errors for yourself. Didn’t these people even take English in High School? And where the hell is the editor? Even a basic stupid computerized grammar checker would have caught these errors.
Longmont Woman Draws National Attention In TSA Groping Case « CBS Denver.
I just finished Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer. Had I not capitalized and italicized the words “eating animals,” you may have interpreted that previous sentence differently. His book largely confirms what I had known prior: factory farms are no good for anyone but the owners, and especially no good for the animals they produce.
I won’t launch into a tirade on the evils of factory farming here. Foer does enough proselytizing in his book. Much as I critique local theatrical productions, I shall comment briefly on the form and the quality of his writing, for one can have the most righteous cause but without eloquence be heard by no one. Or the complete opposite, such as Hitler (who was a vegetarian, by the way).