Carlos Dominguez at Work

Carlos Dominguez gave a great talk today at work. I like his style, philosophy, and what he had to say. Because of how my brain works, I thought he was saying “gen wires” or “gen wireds” when he was actually referring to “gen Y’ers.” Ha. I guess the former was more appropriate, as we are wired in. Being on the cusp of Y myself, I think I can help bridge the gap a bit between the pre-gen-Y’ers and the real younguns. At any rate, Carlos is a great speaker and I encourage you to seek him out.

Rant On, Rant Off: Facebook Notifications Be Dammed

Okay, let me just rant for a minute here. I have turned off ALL notifications from Facebook to my email. And when I say ALL, I mean ALL notifications. I don’t want to get a single email from Facebook saying I have to go to their site and read a message. I want to manually type “” into my browser’s address bar and peruse messages, notifications, invites, pokes, picks, pukes, punks, plucks, pucks, and porks when it’s convenient for me. Which means maybe once a day or so. At this point you may be thinking, “He’s pretty anti-Facebook.

Google+ for Google Apps Is Here

Hooray for Google+! I just noticed the option to enable Google+ in my apps domain dashboard. Now I can play with it and set up my social network all over again. :)

Non-Humans Need Not Dial

I have just implemented a whitelist on my phone system. Those of you who are in my address book should notice no change, however those of you who are not will have to step through a hoop to get the call connected. I will say no more than that, but it’s a relatively painless one-time process in order to add another layer of convenience and privacy to my phone system.

Why is Whitelisting Absent from Telephones? :: TechMiso.