An Open Letter to Comcast Customer Support
Dear Comcast Customer Support,
You are broken. I don’t blame you for what you are, but you need to change. I don’t normally say that because I believe entities have a right to exist as they please – whether their choices lead them towards salvation or destruction. But in your case I will make an exception.
I understand something as large as you has some inefficiencies. You are truly a behemoth. But there are a couple types of behemonths: the first one is large because it has exercised and grown and shown not only tremendous discipline but insight.
Down with Daylight Saving Time. Or Standard Time. Just Pick One.
I’ve decided that I’m going to protest Standard Time the next time that shift happens, next fall. I dislike having to reset all my clocks twice a year but I truly hate having to reset my own body clock. It messes me up. I feel sleep deprived. It takes weeks to get back on schedule. It JUST AIN’T WORTH IT. So… we will “spring ahead” in the spring and I’ll painfully, slowly, and begrudgingly adjust my internal clock accordingly. Eventually I’ll get up an hour earlier. But then in the fall when we “fall back,” – when I normally would have gained an hour of sleep – I’m not going to get up an hour later like I did this year.
Carlos Dominguez at Work
Carlos Dominguez gave a great talk today at work. I like his style, philosophy, and what he had to say. Because of how my brain works, I thought he was saying “gen wires” or “gen wireds” when he was actually referring to “gen Y’ers.” Ha. I guess the former was more appropriate, as we are wired in. Being on the cusp of Y myself, I think I can help bridge the gap a bit between the pre-gen-Y’ers and the real younguns.
At any rate, Carlos is a great speaker and I encourage you to seek him out.
Banks Quietly Ramp Up Consumer Fees -
Yet more fuel for thought…
I Think I'll Stop Now: Running Commantary (sic)
And in other news, content producers still haven’t paid attention in high school English class.
two unrelated and incomplete phrases
Owner Of Stolen Bike, Reclaims It On ‘Test Ride’ - Denver News Story - KMGH Denver.
Rant On, Rant Off: Facebook Notifications Be Dammed
Okay, let me just rant for a minute here. I have turned off ALL notifications from Facebook to my email. And when I say ALL, I mean ALL notifications. I don’t want to get a single email from Facebook saying I have to go to their site and read a message. I want to manually type “” into my browser’s address bar and peruse messages, notifications, invites, pokes, picks, pukes, punks, plucks, pucks, and porks when it’s convenient for me. Which means maybe once a day or so.
At this point you may be thinking, “He’s pretty anti-Facebook.
Floors! Floors! Floors!
Finally… the living room is DONE!