Food, Fetishy Metaphor
Condiments are lube for sandwiches.
Condiments are lube for sandwiches.
Hey, Chick-Fil-A Flatirons: where’s my change? I expected $13.48 in change and I got $13 instead. I don’t mind rounding for speed, but round in my favor next time, okay? My bad for not catching it before pulling away from the window, but still…
You all need EV charging stations. The benefits are obvious; if they are not, get out of the commercial property management business right now because you are doomed.
For now you can only hope that you are within walking distance of a Walgreens.
All The EV Drivers
Hello, Dolly! 1964 Broadway cast recording, track 4 “Sunday Clothes,” 2 minutes 50 seconds in. There is a short musical break and an “oops” by Carol Channing in the recording studio. The break is 8 measures long but Carol starts to say “Ermengarde” after only 4 measures. She stops herself but it’s still on the recording. You can clearly hear her say “Erme–” in the right channel. Funny what kinds of things you notice when wearing headphones. 🙂
So I’m using my treadmill at work and these guys use treadmills for their job, too. 🙂
Is anyone else excited for these? And is it strange that I’m more excited that they’re on ZigBee than anything else? I should be able to add them to the home automation network and write some software to make them do whatever I want.
Philips Hue Connected Bulb - Starter Pack - Apple Store (U.S.).
So I wanted some suggestions to be an electric something for Halloween. I thought I could be a clever pun costume or something. I decided to use Google’s search engine autocomplete mechanism for inspiration. I went through all the letters and when I got to X… well… I know it’s based on popular searches and your personal search history, but seriously, who spells zoo with an X?!