"Ermen... Oops" or "Hello, Carol!"

Hello, Dolly! 1964 Broadway cast recording, track 4 “Sunday Clothes,” 2 minutes 50 seconds in. There is a short musical break and an “oops” by Carol Channing in the recording studio. The break is 8 measures long but Carol starts to say “Ermengarde” after only 4 measures. She stops herself but it’s still on the recording. You can clearly hear her say “Erme–” in the right channel. Funny what kinds of things you notice when wearing headphones. 🙂

other interesting cast album mistakes

Google + Humanity (Auto)Complete Fail

So I wanted some suggestions to be an electric something for Halloween. I thought I could be a clever pun costume or something. I decided to use Google’s search engine autocomplete mechanism for inspiration. I went through all the letters and when I got to X… well… I know it’s based on popular searches and your personal search history, but seriously, who spells zoo with an X?!

Google autocomplete “electric x…”"

Introducing... Again...

Say hello to Serenity. She’s a silver 2012 Nissan Leaf SL. I’ll have some better pictures later. I shall be her steward for the next two years and 30,000 miles. After crunching some numbers, it was going to cost me just as much to drive around Hermes for the next two years as it would to lease a new vehicle. This was made possible by a ~$9,400 cap reduction from Nissan: they get to keep the federal tax rebate. I shall take this interval to promote EVs among friends, family, and coworkers.


It’s official. My mom has a new car. Her new daily driver is a new 2011 white Nissan Leaf SL. New because of the tax rebates, otherwise used would have done just as well. The tax rebates really put things upside-down for EVs.

Absolutely No Warranty

Interesting that even though the console font got screwed up, the warranty message is still intelligible.

screen with garbled text and “ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY” legible