
Hey, Chick-Fil-A Flatirons: where’s my change? I expected $13.48 in change and I got $13 instead. I don’t mind rounding for speed, but round in my favor next time, okay? My bad for not catching it before pulling away from the window, but still…

Attention Denver-Area Mall Property Managers:

You all need EV charging stations. The benefits are obvious; if they are not, get out of the commercial property management business right now because you are doomed.

For now you can only hope that you are within walking distance of a Walgreens.


All The EV Drivers

"Ermen... Oops" or "Hello, Carol!"

Hello, Dolly! 1964 Broadway cast recording, track 4 “Sunday Clothes,” 2 minutes 50 seconds in. There is a short musical break and an “oops” by Carol Channing in the recording studio. The break is 8 measures long but Carol starts to say “Ermengarde” after only 4 measures. She stops herself but it’s still on the recording. You can clearly hear her say “Erme–” in the right channel. Funny what kinds of things you notice when wearing headphones. 🙂

other interesting cast album mistakes

Google + Humanity (Auto)Complete Fail

So I wanted some suggestions to be an electric something for Halloween. I thought I could be a clever pun costume or something. I decided to use Google’s search engine autocomplete mechanism for inspiration. I went through all the letters and when I got to X… well… I know it’s based on popular searches and your personal search history, but seriously, who spells zoo with an X?!

Google autocomplete “electric x…”"