EMCOMM and Failing to Plan

Immediately after the Boston Marathon bombings, cell service was disabled as a preventive measure. As an emergency communicator, I prepare for this stuff and usually have at least one radio nearby at all times. What’s your communications plan should they shut off your cell phone service? Remember: that means no voice calls, text messages, emails, mobile web, or anything else getting into or out of your mobile phone. Do you have a landline? What if that should fail as well? It probably will because the system will be jammed with people trying to call one another.

On Original Sentiment

Facebook – at least my Facebook feed – is turning into a bunch of advertising for brands and products via people ’liking’ them, 1+ day old meme posts that were already reposted on Reddit, and cutesy videos. Where’s the original content? Wait, I don’t care. Aside from the “my birthdays” spam that happens to infiltrate my email somehow, Facebook is all about me. Or rather it’s all about you. This blog is all about me. But for you it’s like going to a library or buying a subscription (remember RSS?

People Bed ≠ Dog Bed

  • Hairs embarrass

  • Lost that linen-fresh scent

  • Make love, not growl

  • Last sanctuary obliterated

  • Stop climbing on my face

  • Morning dog breath

  • You already have two of your own, why use mine?

  • No matter how much you lick, skin is still cleaner than fur

  • Please control your bodily fluids