New Bathroom 4: Wall, Tile Work

Drywall is up, sanded, taped, sanded, mudded, sanded, primed, and painted.

Kerdi is up in the shower, Ditra is on the floor.

Shower is about half tiled.

Annie watching from hallway Annie checked in occasionally

painted wall a new wall

looking into bathroom floor to ceiling orange stuff

bathroom floor Ditra

shower walls Kerdi

shower walls, higher more Kerdi

shower, mostly tiled tile! only one “oops”

New Bathroom 3: New Shower Valve Body, Subfloor

Yesterday was a long day. After a trip to Home Depot at 0800, we got to work fixing the plumbing first. By 1900 the new subfloor was finally in. The sillcock was just a bonus because the floor was up. I tried to unscrew it from the outside but ended up twisting apart the copper pipe instead. That’s okay, we didn’t need that one anyway. I cut and capped its supply pipe. The new shower valve body was soldered into place (14 solder joints!) and checked for leaks. Repaired a leaky joint (twice) and now all is dry.