Mind Games, Metric, and Carbon Sequestration

I just read that Hamburg’s average temperature is 9°C.

And now I just figured out how to get Americans to use the metric system for temperatures. Climate change. As the Earth heats up, Americans will want to use the Celsius scale to make things seem colder. 100 degrees (F) outside? Not a problem! It’s actually only in the upper 30s!

Star Trek TNG + Xmas = ?

My wife has asked me on more than one occasion why they don’t celebrate religious holidays on Star Trek: The Next Generation (we haven’t gotten to Deep Space Nine yet). This is too funny not to share:

Why SNL's Sound of Music Cold Open Wasn't Funny

It’s simple, even though I only watched the first few minutes of it. (That’s almost as little as what I could stand to watch of the Sound of Music broadcast itself, but I digress….) SNL’s cold open wasn’t funny because it didn’t make fun of the Sound of Music live broadcast. I don’t watch SNL, so I don’t get their in-jokes. I had no idea who that creepy awkward character was, nor did I care. The SoM broadcast provided ample opportunity for parody, but they didn’t even acknowledge its awfulness in the little I watched.

3 Rules of Financial Enlightenment

I thought of these on the drive in to work today: initially I only had two, but three sounds better. They’re a work in progress. Rule number 1: Track your money. You will never know just how wasteful – or thrifty – you are unless you know where and how you spend your money. It’s that simple. Or, put another way, you cannot control what you cannot measure. Do you like being out of control? Don’t trust the banks. I have, on several occasions, caught bank errors in my favor through my good habits formed over years of practice.