Wrong Way Driver

We saw this yesterday on the drive home from work.

IPv6 or An Experiment in Address Space

The time has come to make this blog IPv6-only. And so it is. As of right… now.

Unless I hear any objections, it’s going to stay IPv6-only.

P.S. I’ve also enabled SSL. Finally, right? I know!

Update: Well, that didn’t last long. But I’m keeping the SSL. 😛

Phil's Guide to Modern Communications Technology Options

It appears that some of you may not know which communication tool to use or when to use it. Here is a helpful guide: (Note: Sync = synchronous means real-time communication, asynchronous means not real-time.) Name Privacy Sync Speed Form Description Postal Mail (Snail Mail, USPS) medium to high asynchronous slow printed text This is the original form of written correspondence. It is still useful and relatively secure from eavesdropping, provided you didn’t compose the letter on a computer to start with. Telephone (phone) medium synchronous real-time voice What one gains in instantaneous communications, one loses in the ability to compose thoughts before communicating them.