'Into the Woods' and the Dumbing Down of the Movie Musical | David Toussaint

So we started watching the film adaptation of Into the Woods. Before we could finish, we read this article, both poignant and amusing.

As much as I love Meryl, I’m never going to buy her records, and I haven’t been this uncomfortable watching her in a film since, what do you know, Mama Mia! If we’re living in any sort of movie musical cinema revival, it’s time to start asking ourselves what we sacrificed to get there.

Source: ‘Into the Woods’ and the Dumbing Down of the Movie Musical | David Toussaint

What are common problems of gifted people in the workplace? - Quora

This is how you (should) manage incredibly high performers who do good work that you don’t understand:

The only way to manage them is get out of their way. Startups love them, big companies hate them for this reason. Startups want miracles, big companies say they do. But big companies really have one desire: to make your supervisor look competent and necessary.

Source: What are common problems of gifted people in the workplace? - Quora

A Brush with the Front Bumper of Death

Generally speaking, you do not get to honk at me if I’m in the intersection and you barrel through a stop sign towards me. You also do not get to drive up alongside me and roll down your window and yell something at me. I like to think you are apologizing for not seeing the stop sign and almost killing me. I’d hate to damage the front of your silver Mercedes with a cyclist-shaped imprint and a vehicular assault charge.