Continuous Reconciliation and the Intentional Disconnect
I’m talking about personal finance. As an INTJ, I’m proud of the fact that I can design a system that works very well for me and quite possibly nobody else in the world. Let me explain a little about how my system works.
The Factors That Cause Car Crashes and Traffic Accidents
This information is too interesting not to share, especially with Tesla rolling out the AutoPilot beta software to its cars.
The Factors That Cause Car Crashes and Traffic Accidents. What Are The Causes Of Car Crashes and Traffic Accidents
Source: The Factors That Cause Car Crashes and Traffic Accidents
‘Intolerable’ Heat May Hit the Middle East by the End of the Century
I haven’t been there, but isn’t it already awfully hot? Isn’t that partly why everyone’s so cranky over there?
Areas of the Persian Gulf could be hit by waves of heat and humidity so severe that simply being outside for several hours could threaten human life, a study says.
Source: ‘Intolerable’ Heat May Hit the Middle East by the End of the Century
Why OpenStreetMap
OpenStreetMap is in the upper left. Google, Bing, and MapQuest are all represented by comparison.
Here’s the link to the above map so you can compare for yourself! Who knows, by the time you check it out, Google may have caught up! :)
By the way, I’m the one who first modified the McCaslin DDI interchange on OSM. It has subsequently been refined by others.
Faxes From the Far Side • Damn Interesting
Fascinating; I did not know this:
Billions of years ago, the moon rotated around its axis faster than it does today. But early in the moon’s history, the drag of Earth’s gravity caused the moon’s rotation to slow to what appears to be a halt from an Earth perspective. One hemisphere of the moon always faces the Earth, and the other always faces away, with Earth’s gravity acting as a tether. In other words, the moon revolves once around the Earth in the same time it takes to rotate on its own axis—a phenomenon known as tidal locking.
Average metro Denver apartment rent drops as downtown vacancies rise - The Denver Post
Westminster led the metro area for the second month with a 13.8 percent gain in average rents.
Source: Average metro Denver apartment rent drops as downtown vacancies rise - The Denver Post
2015 Likely to Be Hottest Year Ever Recorded
Okay, folks, here’s what it boils down to (pun intended): the next few decades will see more intense and frequent droughts, flooding, crop failures, food insecurity, mass migrations (Europe’s current refugee “crisis” is mild by comparison), severe weather, and conflicts over ever-dwindling natural resources as our home planet’s climate change forcibly changes our behaviors. Humans generally suck at nonviolent conflict resolution, so there will probably be much violence. The world will be divided between the nations as “haves” and “have-nots” even more so than today as our humanitarian relief effort resources are reallocated to deal with domestic crises.