Turn It Off

At this juncture it has come to pass
That a colleague of mine has no class.
Though he rambles all day,
Even worse, I would say,
Is his perfume is “Essence of ___!”

Follow-Me Music

As I walked into the grocery store today, I was greeted with the usual music piped in over the loudspeakers that permeate the sonic space of the store. Someone long ago decided that people like to hear music when they shop. And not just any music, but a specific brand of upbeat music that apparently makes you want to shop and buy more things. I deduce, mostly through the power of observation, that “selling more stuff” is the only reason every store in the world seems to do this. Wait – that’s not exactly true.

It's a Small World

As I type this, both washed and unwashed masses of people crowd around the steps of our state capitol building, eager to catch a glimpse of their transient idols, the players of the Denver Broncos. If you haven’t heard, the Denver Broncos made it all the way to the last American Football game of the year and had more points at the end of the game than the other team, so they now have a parade thrown in their honor and get to shut down the local economy for half a day.

...But Not Really

Sometimes, when I find myself using Facebook, I say to myself, “what am I doing with my life?” And that quickly snaps me out of it.

But Reddit is different.