...and the world {?} with you.
I looked at this picture and a thought popped into my head: It’s like the guy honestly doesn’t know how to smile; it’s all a façade to him. He appears to experience very little joy. You can tell a lot about what’s going on in somebody’s mind by what’s on their face. There’s very little honesty in this guy.
Source: As Trump tries to build bridges, efforts overshadowed by lie about voter fraud – The Denver Post
Say Hello to Hollywood
When taking a video on your cellphone, hold it sideways. Nobody likes to watch videos with a vertical aspect ratio on a horizontal screen. And it looks ridiculous on the front page of the New York Times when somebody’s cell phone video has gigantic black bars on either side of it, making it completely tiny and unwatchable.
Film Production M.F.A.
P.S. Do this for still images, too.
Money Time
I’m good at managing my finances. I wanted to know how much time I spent on it, so over the last year I’ve tracked every minute working on finances: scanning receipts, entering transactions, reconciling accounts, budgeting, tracking tax-related things.
It turns out that during 2016 I spent 65 hours, 56 minutes, and 2 seconds related to financial matters.
So there you have it. There’s nothing special to getting good at money. You just have to spend a lot of time actually doing it.
Whenever I reconcile my accounts to the penny after not doing it for a while…
Probably Not. Because "We" Chose It.
Phil's Tips for Surviving Planet Hotbox
Let me tell ya something: it doesn’t matter if our next Executive branch believes in anthropogenic climate change. The next head of the EPA can burn all the methane that he personally emits for all it will matter. We’re way beyond thinking that anything we do now will stop these effects within our lifetimes, or those of our children or grandchildren. What we need to be doing now is preparing for the world that we have inherited from the consequences of our collective and individual action and inaction.