Digital Camera reviews
This would be a follow-up (or in this blog, a follow-down?) to the imaging-resource link. Another great site that collects other sites.
This would be a follow-up (or in this blog, a follow-down?) to the imaging-resource link. Another great site that collects other sites.
Here’s a good place to look if you’re looking for a new digital camera. Very thorough reviews.
So the show’s over and life returns to normal. i.e. doing nothing. I go back to school in a couple weeks so I’m taking things pretty easy right now, being unemployed and all.
So I’ve been doing this play over at Englewood, Bye Bye Birdie, and I’m playing Conrad. Anyway, this week is dress rehearsal week as we perform on August 1st, 2nd (my birthday), and 3rd. Tonight is the first dress rehearsal. We add costumes, makeup, lights, orchestra, and scene changes into the mix tonight. Wednesday we add makeup and push back the call by one hour. Should be fun…!
I got my teeth cleaned today. Hooray for that. Gotta have good dental hygiene.
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Saturday and Sunday I worked the Colorado MS150 with ARES District 10.