
I noticed this moth today after coming back from class—right above the door to my apartment. It’s about two inches in length.

L.A. Sunset

It’s beautiful until you realize why L.A. sunsets are that color….

The Ring Weirdness

I just finished watching The Ring for the first time. I had to laugh because during the credits my telephone rang! I have to admit I was a little hesitant to answer the phone. It was some guy wanting Sergio. Wrong number.

End of First Week

So I made it through the first week. Monday night’s directing class is with the venerable Jeremy Kagan, and although he never formally introduced himself to us, I was able to infer as much. Wednesday is and will be by far the longest day I’ve had in class at USC so far. We start the Production III class at 0900, break around 1200 for an hour lunch, and re-convene in our respective sections (directing/producing, editing, camera, sound) in the afternoon. In addition to that, the sound section has a Friday workshop most every week where we get more hands-on experience with equipment and such.

Online Contributions?

There is still some stuff I would like to have around my place. I’ll post a list and a link to the items if anyone out there would like to buy me a housewarming/back-to-school gift or two. No? Think it over and let me know if you’re willing or not. Or maybe you already have some of these household items laying around your… er… household.

The past week

So I finally made it to LA in one piece. My alternator went out before Flagstaff but fortunately I made it to Chino Valley okay. I was delayed three days as Roger from Roger’s Automotive found an alternator but fortunately my warranty policy covered it all. I left Chino Valley 0745 and arrived at Troyland 1415. The next day (Friday) I made a trip to pick up some of my stuff from Canyon Country and ended up seeing a David Lee Roth concert at the Universal Amphitheatre. I crashed overnight at my 2nd cousins’, drove back to South Central picking up a $35 microwave enroute, carried more stuff up the stairs, and went to a party at Greg’s.


Does no one else find the blackout in the Northeast hilarious? For some reason, I do.