Insanity Osophy

A definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Oh! My ears! My ears!

Went to the 77th Annual Academy Awards Sound Editing Bakeoff last night. Up for nomination were The Polar Express, Collateral, Spider-Man 2, The Day After Tomorrow, The Incredibles, Ray, and The Aviator. Were I a voting member I’d choose Incredibles, Collateral, and Polar Express, probably in that order. But man were those clips loud. I’m glad I sat in the back and next time I’ll bring ear plugs. Seriously.

Zejdz zmoich wlosow

That Two and a Half Men episode I saw taped back in on Dec. 3 finally aired tonight on CBS. Interesting choices. I didn’t much care for the show when it was taped, and I still think the writing could use improvement, but editing and post definitely helped the episode, and Charlie Sheen is much better on camera than he is live (hate to say it, but it’s true, at least from far away). I can make out Nikki’s laugh in the right channel of the audience laugh track, it’s quite discernable at times.


Gizmodo speculates the unbranded, unlocked GSM Treo 650 will not have EDGE. I sure as hell hope it does, thank you very much. AT&T wireless (former) customers have EDGE access and T-mobile I’m sure is going to go EDGE sometime soon. I think, if anything, the Cingular version will be subsidy-locked, and that’s it. Please, PalmOne, let that be it.

Whores, Goddamnit

Saw the national tour of Best Little Whorehouse in Texas last night at the Cerritos Prrforming Arts Center. That’s a nice venue. Large theatre, not-too-comfortable seats. Anyway, my friend Jenny Gelwick was in the show as Linda Lou (one of the girls). They wrap up their tour in March at the Kodak after taking another swing around the country starting in a few days. My thoughts on the show—well, I enjoyed it. It looked like fun. I could go into a critical analysis of the set, direction, choreography, stuff like that, but I’ll just say that the performers were too good for the show—they deserve better.