Hackford’s “Ray” Hacked to Bits by Projector, Sound System, and Self

I’m posting my thoughts on Ray right now, before it leaves my memory. I will be honest; Taylor Hackford is a cool guy. He knows what he’s doing and he’s a good director. But I just saw Ray at the Beverly Center (avoid this theater—more on that later) and it blew, big time. Joined by intrepid if slightly lackadaisical cinematography duo Cindy F. and Chuck D., we proceeded into the theater at the very top of the Beverly Center complex. It is large and seems underutilized, but it was a Wednesday night, so I’ll give them some slack.

Osophy on Self

You can’t be anyone other than who you are, so don’t even try. Actors exempted.

Re-Recording Mixing Osophy

From Chris Jenkins: “Technology should be your mistress.”

(then I think: “Oh, but she is….”)

More Blogginess Revealed

Found Kevin Thompson’s blogsite (well, okay, I asked him today in class), and from there that took me to Cindy Fang’s blog. Yeah, they’re cool, I guess. But they don’t run their own webserver like me and I’ll bet dollars to donuts they didn’t install their blog software themselves. :) Okay, geekiness rant over.

Whose Line—Irish Drinking Song

This cracked me up. If you don’t know Whose Line…?, watch it. (order: Wayne, Chip, Colin, Ryan; subject: something that could go bad on a date—falling out of the car) Now, you have to sing this as you read it, or it won’t be as much fun. Oh, Heidi-didi-didi-didi, didi-didi-di My date and I were drivin’ I’m lucky to be alive We were goin over 60 It wasn’t my kind of jive Then my door opened It could not be beat I fell right out …Boy, that was neat

USC Film Students Discovered in Alternate Online Universe

I found the website of fellow film student Kevin and his wife Alice. It’s a little out-of-date but stays current with new posts, almost exclusively from Alice. I have playfully chastised Kevin for neglecting to post an update in a year and a half. Then if everyone gets a blog we can just all read each other’s websites and stay up to date without ever actually having to talk to one another. Kinda like what I’m doing right now. Sheesh.

My Life is More Fragmented with EyeTV

Ever since I got Elgato’s EyeTV 200 thingie, my life has become more fragmented. I start to watch a TV show but I pause it at the first commercial break because I want to make chocolate milk and write a weblog entry about how my life is fragmented. Then I get back to the TV program program and skip the commercial breaks for the rest of the show because I’ve built enough of a buffer to skip them. So in a “real” hour I get stuff done in one big block of time (say 20 min.