Efficient Vehicles in HOV Lanes: Why not VW TDI’s?

California wants to change federal law to allow states to determine HOV lane traffic. Contrary to how the EPA tests (and therefore how the dealers advertize), here are some average real life numbers for a few of the new gasoline-electric hybrid cars: 40 mpg for the Honda Civic Hybrid Mid-40s mpg for the Prius 50 mpg for the Honda Insight Hmm. I drive a 4-cylinder diesel car. I get mileage like that. Why won’t I be able to drive in the HOV lane? Especially if my emissions are clean from running on biodiesel.

Randomism on Suckiness

I haven’t seen anything suck so bad
since the Hoover adminstration.

Really, and what was that?

The Hoover adminstration.

Noisy Neighbor Be Gone!

Dear neighbor in apartment 33, Please turn up your music! I love those loud, wall-shaking, hip-hop beats, especially at 12 am when I have class the next morning. But as it stands now, I can’t make out the words. It’s just a nondescript thudding sound, unless I’m sitting in my favorite chair next to the wall where I can sometimes make out those wonderful and witty lyrics. So please, turn it up. Wake me up from my boring slumber and don’t think about the welfare of your neighbor. That’s okay.

Osophy on Math Systems

There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don’t.

Longevity Osophy

Life’s too short to worry about everything. In fact, it might just be too short to worry about anything.