I take it back

My neighbor isn’t an inconsiderate prick any more. I e-mailed him and asked him to stop the loud music in the morning and he apologized. Now to find the people who built the place and find out why they didn’t put insulation in the walls. Oh, okay. It’s Los Angeles, that’s why. I have a theory that if it ever stayed below freezing in LA for any period of time that everything would fall apart and there would be chaos everywhere. That probably goes true for lots of mediterranian-climate-type places.

Begging for Questions

Kudos to Kevin for spotting an errant “begs the question” which I subsequently changed to “makes me wonder.” Let us all band together to stamp out errant grammar and mixed metaphors. Let us not put the chicken before the horse and beat a dead dog, because nobody should count blessings before they’re hatched. Also watch out for those singular pronouns. By the way, why doesn’t Kevin ever post comments here? The Arbiter has had too much vinum? I await your reply forthwith. (If you put a link to my site on yours, I will do correspondingly here.

My Neighbor is an Inconsiderate Prick

It’s 7:15 in the morning on a Monday and he’s blasting music loud enough I can feel the wall vibrating! What a jerk! Seriously, dude, give it a rest. Some people don’t like rock music the first thing in the morning.

Spring 2005 Advanced Sound a Re-sounding Success, say Jenkins and Holman

Yahoo! We’re done. We screened all ten mixes of the back half of Rogue 379, the pet 581 project the class adopted for our exercise. I was generally happy with mine with the exception that the voiceover and some of the dialogue seemed a bit too low in places. (Of course it sounded fine in Dub A.) Maybe the dialogue became so ingrained in my mind that I thought I heard it louder than it actually was while I was mixing it. OR maybe the Dub A to Hitchcock Theater translation wasn’t perfect after all.

Nothing to Report

Well I’m directing a 546 Doc in the fall. My immediate task is to crew up. Then keep it alive over the summer. Oh yeah, I should finish out this semester, too. Then over the summer I need to look for a place to live for the fall. Anyone know of any good places in LA? It’s warming up, too, so I should probably install air conditioning in my apartment for the summer. Then I need to do the whole FAFSA/financial aid thing, and the paperwork for the graduation ceremony next month.

All in the Family Guy

Seth MacFarlane, the creator of Family Guy, was the guest last night on CU. I directed, of course, and the show went pretty well. Of all things, we were impressed with the timing of the credit music at the end of the show. It ended exactly on time. Perfect. Of course, I had it planned that way all along (yeah, right). I think some people on the show were astonished that something could be timed so well. At any rate I think it earned me a little bit of credibility at TrojanVision. Anyway, Seth talked about the show—Fox picked it up again—and did a voice or two. It was a very fun and energizing show. Seth is a cool guy. I wonder if he needs any writers for his show?