Osophy on Inaction

Inaction is easier than action.

To paraphrase Edmund Burke, Evil is what happens when good people do nothing.

Hyperbole Insidious, Pervasive in Marketing Literature!

There’s no shortage of excessive exaggeration when it comes to marketing new products. Apple says this when it comes to their new rumored iTunes Phone: “The device formerly known as the cell phone is ready for its next act.” I mean, come on. Give me a break. Once in a while someone might actually read one of these things and get excited about it. Oh wait. That’s the point. Still, people can only be disappointed so many times before the searing marketing stabbing pain becomes more of a dull, diffuse tenderness: a minor annoyance at most from what was once an attention grabbing, train of thought stopping distraction.

Outgoing Message

Sometimes I wonder if people even listen to the outgoing message on my phone at all. My name is not Jeremiah so your urgent message to him will go unanswered. Golly, I hope Jeremiah doesn’t get fired because his boss dialed the wrong number and left a message for someone whose name CLEARLY ISN’T JEREMIAH. What good is an outgoing message if NOBODY LISTENS?!


Quite a dramatic title for such a banal blog entry. I’d like to bring back OAS3: the Online Audition Self Scheduling System. I wrote it over a year ago but haven’t had much use for it since. The premise is very simple. You log in and create a project. From there you attach dates to projects and then attach audition timeslots to those dates. Then you invite actors via e-mail. (In my opinion actors without e-mail are not serious about the biz.) They get an e-mail telling them they’ve been invited to audition for your project.


You could hear the distant crack of the explosives echoing off the brick facade of the neighborhood. The distinctive whirr and pop of the ammunition. Sometimes a barrage would go off all at once and dogs would bark in the distance. There were loud explosions all over the sky, they would light up the city in a brief flash of light. It was dangerous to fly low in this environment. Even driving a personnel transport down the street you risked being hit by it or at least driving over some of the spent casings.


In my experience there are the naysayers and the yaysayers. The naysayers say everything couldn’t be worse whereas the yaysayers say everything couldn’t be better. The trick is to be a little bit of both and not too much of either.

Where’s all the BioDiesel?

So, coming back to Denver for a couple weeks after 6 months, I drive back in my Golf TDI expecting to be able to fuel up with some B20. But no! There are not more biodiesel stations now, there are fewer! Apparently Offen Petroleum doesn’t sell it at the moment and although Blue Sun says they’re going to open up 10 more filling stations in a week-and-a-half, the closest place I can get biodiesel is now further away in Commerce City! Yaargh! Luckily I bought some 5 gallon diesel containers so I don’t have to fuel up too often.