Attention Getters

It has come to my attention that… Doesn’t an opening line like that carry a certain weight with it? I mean, when has someone ever started a positive note with “it has come to my attention?” “It has come to my attention that someone has been donating money to the Save the Children Fund?” “It has come to my attention that the weather in Los Angeles is constantly mild?” “It has come to my attention that Santa Claus is coming to town?” Isn’t that rather like saying, “I regret to inform you that your baby boy is healthy and alert?

Home for the Holidays

It’s good to be [the title]. Even driving in Denver is so much more relaxed. You can actually get somewhere around here on surface streets - there isn’t a traffic light every two blocks. And the snow is nice. But the cold is not, especially when your house thermostat is set to 64 degrees and your room is on the top floor. I can’t say as of right now I’m particularly looking forward to returning to Los Angeles. I don’t have school, I don’t have a job, so I don’t have too much to do.

Translate or Add Your Own, no cheating

deus ex machina
e plurubus unum
post hoc, ergo propter hoc
cum hoc, ergo propter hoc
cogito, ergo sum
quid pro quo
et tu, Brute?
ex post facto
semper fidelis
summa cum laude
ad hoc

Fueling Change premiere screening

So it’s been a while since I’ve posted. I’ve been working on this little half-hour documentary now called Fueling Change. It briefly explores three fossil fuel alternatives: biodiesel, vegetable oil, and electric vehicles, and the people who use them. The premiere screening, along with the other two docs in the class, is on USC campus in the Norris Cinema Theater on December 10, 2005, at 7:30 pm.

Filmmaking Students Rejoyce

It’s a grand day for digital video content makers I say, a grand day. Apple announced an iPod video. They’re now selling videos on their online store. I told you so. Back in May, nonetheless.