They Kinda Suck

I recently tried to revive our robotic vacuums*, and, in doing so, reviewed the records relating to when we bought them and for how much. They had stopped working within the last couple of years.

Take Five

A new platform, yet again. This makes it the fourth incarnation. Or is it the fifth? At any rate, it’s now changed to a static site generated by Hugo. I decided to append 3.0 to the blog name because it felt appropriate. (Psst, that’s how most software is versioned, by the way.)

Closer Than They Appearror

I always thought that was a crappy rhyme.

Anyway, here’s how you adjust the mirrors in your car. If nobody ever taught you this, that’s okay. You probably just figured it out for yourself somehow, like I did, and it was wrong.

We're watching

We, the decent drivers who try to obey the traffic laws for the safety of our fellow man, are watching….

O Comcast, Where Art Thou?

My home internet has been pretty crappy for the past couple of weeks now. It is so bad that I set up a SmokePing server to quantify my misery, as I have a Modem of Constant Sorrow that won’t stay online for more than a day or so without rebooting.