The Cost of Quiet
I’d like you to pause for a moment. Take a breath. Look around this blog.
Do you notice something?
More specifically, do you notice not-something?
I’d like you to pause for a moment. Take a breath. Look around this blog.
Do you notice something?
More specifically, do you notice not-something?
Some of the biggest old~~-school~~ -fashioned gearheads around. And they realize it’s happening:
I recently tried to revive our robotic vacuums*, and, in doing so, reviewed the records relating to when we bought them and for how much. They had stopped working within the last couple of years.
The Nest camera AI recognized it as a “person,” otherwise it might have slipped by unnoticed.
I always thought that was a crappy rhyme.
Anyway, here’s how you adjust the mirrors in your car. If nobody ever taught you this, that’s okay. You probably just figured it out for yourself somehow, like I did, and it was wrong.
What do you see when you look at a wall?
A regular wall, in your house.
We, the decent drivers who try to obey the traffic laws for the safety of our fellow man, are watching….