Bosal Towbar 027-494 Installed

This is their “ecofit” model. You can’t buy them in the USA, but if you live in Europe you’re in luck. I wanted a factory option on a towing device and this fit the bill. So much cooler than the American options. The towbar bolts in to factory holes in the subframe, replacing the rear bumper (not bumper cover). There were little pulltabs on my car which if you ripped them off with pliers would reveal the hole for the bolt. Pug ‘n’ play. The towball locks into the receiver with a bolt and key-locked cap that keeps it in place.

Coyote Blog: Uhaul Indicator of California Health

Renting U-Haul’s smallest trailer from LA to Denver would cost me $371. But if I were moving that same trailer from Portland, OR to LA it would cost me $26!!!. Wow.

If I had the time and the choice, I’d look for the metro area with the lowest U-Haul rates out of town and move there. It must be indicative of resident satisfaction or something.

The Digital TV Weblog: Monetizing Video Podcasts, Washington Post style

I’m thinking of producing a video podcast in a short-length reality TV format based on the struggle of my sister to make it in showbiz. The show, tentatively titled Living the Dream, needs to have a model for making money. Either people will pay to watch a 5-10 minute weekly podcast or they will get it free and I will sell short 5-10 second advertising space at the beginning and end of the podcast. My quandry is this: would you be willing to pay a minimal fee, such as 99¢ per download, or would you prefer a free download if it contained short ads at the beginning and end of the episode?

Web Addressing Question

Does every web site in the world have to start with “www?” This one doesn’t. And I fear if I tell people to go to “,” they won’t understand that you don’t put a “www.” in front of it. At this point I think they’re just extra letters: a formality of the olden days of the internet, if you will. But they may be necessary. Are they?

Migration Underway

I’m migrating from pMachine Pro 2.4 to ExpressionEngine. There may be some hiccups in the process. Not like I have a large reading audience anyway; I guess this is more for my own logs than anything else. Anyway, I’m starting with EE Core v 1.4.2 and it seems to be going pretty smoothly, only a few minor modifications done so far. And the Pictures category comes across too wide at the moment.