Traffick: Monetizing Google Video: Search Engine Enlightenment
Presently Google Video seems only to be selling content from large content suppliers: networks, studios, and the like. My company is starting with one show designed specifically for the internet, so how will we sell on Google Video? Will we be forced to sell only directly on our website, losing customers in the process? It’s good for Google that they’re selling ad space in premium content to make it free to the public: I just hope the revenue’s a fair split.
Who Needs Sleep?
Wexler’s documentary is now available for purchase on DVD. I recommend every production office get a copy.
I Have Found (a) Religion
Pastafarians, unite!
Window Visitor
Strategically placed to catch meals, no screen on the window.
I was about to lean out the window, good thing I noticed her.
Dude, Where’d My Cereal Go?
Oh, it’s in the fridge. 🙂
USC Film School Administration Held Up by Red Tape
This is regarding the Student Affairs Office.
May 26: I noticed I hadn’t graduated yet so I went to Student Affairs and they said they said they’d look into it and that I should check back next week. I felt good after this meeting, like I was being taken care of.
May 31: I followed up as requested and was told that there was a form that needed to be signed by two teachers, that they had requested the form, and that I should check back next week to see if they’ve gotten it and it was being processed.
Podcasts: Impressive Numbers, but Commercial Success?
I’m betting on video podcasts. In a big way. I’m forming a production company whose initial sole method of distribution will be via internet. And the easiest way to watch a video podcast nowadays is via the iTunes Music Store, which means video podcasts. There are the gigantic media corporations with whom my meager company cannot compete: the huge broadcast and cable TV networks with production budgets in the millions. But producing a video podcast, or vodcast, can cost next to nothing. The only thing is, with a budget of next-to-nothing comes a product quality of next-to-nothing, as is evidenced by the current offerings of video podcasts.