Someone Else Is Clever

Someone else now has a blog with the title “phil’s osophies.” Looks like it was started on or around December 7, 2006. However his does not have the cool little ™ symbol; that should distinguish us. :)

Wordpress is a good platform for blogging. I experimented with it a while ago, during my days of wild webserver software experimentation.

Just About Justification

Humans can justify just about anything. It’s what we’re good at. It keeps us sane and makes us crazy.

The price we pay for sentience, I guess. Lower animals do not understand therefore do not comprehend therefore needn’t make sense of the world. But on the other hand, we’re not scared of vacuums.

In a Flury over Snow

It was 10:41 in the morning when the snow began to fall at my house in Lakewood. Many people were still bitter over the fact that another storm was moving in: the second blizzard in as many weeks. Instead of giving it the cold shoulder, however, I decided to stay home and do what I normally do: work from home.

If this signals a global climate change then we should buy more snow plows and snowshoes.

A Few Parting Shots

Final pictures from “backstage.” No, that’s actually a utility closet.

“The Pee Protectors”

“The Powers That Pee”

“Two (Lovely) Ladies”

“Getting a Leg Up on the Rebellion”

A Eulogy for Urinetown

It shall forever live in the hearts and minds of those who created it and those who came to watch it. It was a strange little show, full of quirks and its own special problems. But the only problem the family of cast members faced as the audience applauded their bows for the last time was when they would see each other next: for some it would be later that week, perhaps for others it would be never again. In the end it matters not if the show was good or great: those of us in it loved it for what it was.

On the Ethos of Postmasters

Does running your own mail server make you an email addict or does being an email addict lead to running your own mail server? After careful consideration I believe I fall into the former. Note I’ve stopped hyphenating the word e-mail (for the most part). I seem to be proud of the fact that I’m running a mailserver and I can tell you the version numbers of the software that runs it. I’d really love to geek out here and describe the setup but I feel that doing so may push me farther out into the realm of inaccessibility.

Urinetown Photos

Here are some photos taken with Robert’s camera.

Here’re a few of the cast members posing for an impromptu photo.

Cladwell and his bunny slippers


Nap time (names not included to protect the shameless)

Another backstage photo