Neighborhood Gas Leak

Last Friday I came home to a gas leak 1 block away. They said it was a 3 or 4 inch line that was cut and it took Xcel a long time to locate it. There was a lot of standing around hoping that things didn’t blow up (I’m glad they didn’t). They also shut down traffic on a major road during rush hour. Lots of vehicles were trying to cut through our neighborhood without realizing that the only other way out was through the cordoned-off area.

Towards Better Global DMR Ham Radio ID Generation

Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) is an excellent digital mode for ham radio use, especially for HTs. It is routable via IP, so repeaters can be linked via the Internet, and inexpensive commercial radios are readily available.

Temperature Radar

That’s funny, I didn’t know temperatures showed up on radar.

![Sunny, very warm temperatures on the radar in Denver](/images/Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at 09.19.19.png)

Do they mean a different kind of radar? Perhaps Jonathan Banks can tell us.