Facts don't matter, this is news!
Can the AP colossally fuck up the facts any worse than it has? Their story says:
Tesla says its keenly awaited Model 3 car for the masses will go on sale on Friday.
This is just fucking wrong. Elon Musk said in this twitter post:
Expecting to complete SN1 on Friday
SN1 = Serial Number 1. The first production vehicle. Nowhere does he say that they’re going on sale this Friday. He says they expect to complete the first production vehicle on Friday. He goes on to tweet:
Handover party for first 30 customer Model 3’s on the 28th!
As one of the first plebs to reserve the chance to order a Model 3, I would be quite well aware when they were being made available for sale to the general public. Not yet.
Get your shit together, AP. You really suck right now. Also, 215 miles is not 133 km:
Tesla says the five-seat car will be able to go 215 miles (133 kilometers)
Jesus Fucking Christ!!
A coworker and I have a running joke about how awesome the world would be if everybody just did their jobs. Not even 100% of their jobs, just most of their jobs _most _of the time. This piece of garbage doesn’t deserve to be called news. Certainly not facts.
Source: Tesla says its affordable Model 3 car will go on sale on Friday – The Denver Post